Ceyla Demirer

Ceyla Demirer was born in İstanbul. She graduated from Yeditepe University, Faculty of Dentistry in 2017 with high honours and second in her term. She started her doctorate at Medipol University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Orthodontics in 2017, and her doctorate process continues. Since 2017, she has worked in various polyclinics in Istanbul. Dt. Ceyla Demirer is also a member of the Turkish Dental Association (TDB), American Association Of Orthodontics (AAO), World Federation Of Orthodontics (WFO), Turkish Orthodontic Association (TOD), Lingual Orthodontic Association (LOD), Turkish Aligner Association (TAD). She offers her services at Dentgroup Nişantaşı Clinic as a dentist.

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