Ali Rıza Arslan

Endodontic Specialist Dt. Ali Rıza Arslan was born in Istanbul. He completed his secondary and high school education in Istanbul and graduated from Samsun Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Dentistry. In the same year, he started his PhD education at Samsun Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Endodontics. He has concentrated his professional studies mainly on: root canal treatment, retreatment treatment, broken instrument removal, regenerative treatments, odontogenic cyst treatments, vital pulp treatments, apical surgery, cryotherapy applications in Endodontics. He has attended many congresses, courses and seminars related to his profession, such as EDAD (24th International Congress of Esthetic Dentistry 2020), Ankara University (1st International Dental Education Congress 2021). Dt. Ali Rıza Arslan is a member of the Turkish Dental Association (TDB). He gives service to his patients at Dentgroup Nişantaşı Dental Clinic.

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Diese Seite wurde aktualisiert 18 Oktober 2024 16:39