Dr. Dt. Bora Aysan was born in Bursa. He graduated from Private Emine Örnek Anatolian High School and later completed his dental education at Istanbul Medipol University Faculty of Dentistry. He then earned his doctorate in Orthodontics at Istanbul Okan University. His areas of interest include braces treatment, clear aligners, orthognathic surgery, and joint-focused orthodontic treatments. Throughout his career, he has worked in various clinics and continued his academic career as an assistant professor at Üsküdar University. Dr. Dt. Bora Aysan is also a member of the Turkish Orthodontic Society (TOD), the European Orthodontic Society (EOS), and the Turkish Dental Association (TDB). He currently serves his patients at Dentgroup Göztepe Clinic.
Bora Aysan
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