Aydan Bozkurt Albayrak

Pedodontics specialist Aydan Bozkurt Albayrak was born in İstanbul. She graduated from Istanbul Hüseyin Avni Sözen Anatolian High School in 2010 and completed her undergraduate education at Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry in 2017. She was 41st in the dentistry speciality exam and has completed her pediatric dentistry specialty at Marmara University. She prepared her thesis on halitosis in pediatric patients. In pediatric dentistry; Her areas of interest are traumatic dental injuries, bad breath in children, behavior management techniques, preventive approaches and dental treatments under general anesthesia. Aydan Bozkurt Albayrak is a member of the Turkish Dental Association (TDB) and the Turkish Pedodontics Association (TPD). She has worked in Dentgroup Ataşehir Clinic.

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This page has been updated 25 October 2024 16:31