Niran Uluçay

Dt. Niran Uluçay was born in Antalya. She successfully graduated from Istanbul Medipol University Faculty of Dentistry in 2019. She has been working as Korean and English interpreter for big companies like ADOPEN, Samsung, Korean Genreal Consulate since she was studying in Dentistry. After the graduation she worked as Operation Manager for an international Dental Implant Company for over a year. Then she continued her dentistry career in a private clinic in İstanbul. Additionally she is a member of TDB (Turkish Dental Association) and EDAD (Aesthetic Dental Association). Dt. Ulucay has focused her pratice mainly on digital smile design, full porcelain, laminate veneers, zirconium veneers, computer aided dentistry treatments , inlay-onlay treatments, root canal treatment and dental photography. Dt. Niran Uluçay works at Dentgroup Maslak Dental Clinic.
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This page has been updated 25 October 2024 16:37